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Sometimes it helps children to review what they do know and what they don’t know. In this problem, they do know that Luis takes half as long as Kendall to eat lunch. They don’t know how long it takes Kendall to eat lunch. What’s possible? What’s impossible?
Headline Story
Kendall ate her lunch in _____ minutes. Luis took half as long to eat his lunch.
Possible student responses
- If it took Kendall 2 minutes to eat her lunch, it took Luis 1 minute to eat his.
- It takes me about 20 minutes to eat my lunch. If I were Kendall, then it would take Luis 10 minutes, but if I were Luis, it would take Kendall 40 minutes.
- If Kendall and Luis want to start and finish lunch at the same time, either Kendall needs to eat slower or Luis needs to eat faster.