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Display this Headline Story or write the number sentence on the board. Then ask children to tell a story for it. The sample responses are deliberately broader than what a class is likely to produce in any session. You might lead children to think about collecting items, doing a task a number of times, or counting coin values to encourage variety in their responses.
Headline Story
9 + 1 = 10
Possible student responses
- I had 9 fingers hidden, and then I hid my last finger so that all 10 of my fingers were hidden.
- I ate 9 berries at lunch today and my brother ate 1, so together we ate 10 berries.
- I hopped 9 times to get from my desk to the table, and then I took 1 more hop to get to the bookshelf, so I made 10 hops from my desk to the bookshelf.