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Read the Headline Story to your students. Encourage students to name creative solutions.
Headline Story
Harold gave the cashier $5.00 to pay for a roll of camera film that cost $4.15.
Possible student responses
- Harold received 85¢ in change.
- If he received the fewest coins, he got 1 half dollar, 1 quarter, and 1 dime.
- He might have received 85 pennies, but that is not likely.
- He could have received 17 nickels, or 8 dimes and 1 nickel.
- If he gave the cashier $10.00, he could have bought 2 rolls of film.
- If he gave the cashier $20.00, he could have bought 4 rolls.
- He would get more than $3.00 in change if he gave the cashier $20.00 to pay for 4 rolls of film.