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This Headline Story is deliberately broad in order to allow children to explore their own estimation skills. You may want to ask questions such as, “How big is the jar?” or “How big are the marbles?”
Headline Story
The label on a jar said it could hold between 40 and 50 marbles. Mrs. Roberts said she thought it held closer to 40 marbles, and she showed her class the jar.
Possible student responses
- The jar might hold 41, 42, 43, 44, … or 49 marbles.
- Mrs. Roberts thinks the jar holds 41, 42, 43, or 44 marbles.
- We could fill the jar with marbles, and count the number of marbles that fit in the jar to figure out exactly how many marbles it holds.
- If we fill the jar with big marbles, it would hold fewer marbles than if the marbles were little.