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Display the image in the sidebar, Apples and Strawberry, to the class. Ask children to describe what they see. Encourage them to make up stories about the apples and the strawberry. After children have a chance to describe this Headline Story, Apples and Strawberry, you may want to display the Headline Story image from Numbers to Ten, #4: Apples, and have children discuss how it differs from this image.
Possible student responses
- There are 5 pieces of fruit.
- There are 4 apples and 1 strawberry.
- Three of the pieces of fruit are red and 2 are green.
- If I ate one of the apples, then there would be 4 pieces of fruit.
- If I eat all of the green fruits, I would have to eat 2 pieces of fruit.
- There is one more piece of fruit in the second picture than in the picture with just apples.
- Before, we saw a picture of 4 apples, but then a strawberry came along.