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Display the Headline Story pictured in the sidebar to children. The sample responses for the Headline Story are deliberately broader than what a class is likely to produce in any session. With any Headline Story you might lead to one new response by asking one new question explicitly to help children learn to give more varied responses.
Headline Story
Tell a story that includes the numbers 2, 4, and 6.
Possible student responses
- If I had six crackers and I ate two, I would have four left.
- If you say the even numbers starting with two, you say, “Two, four, six…”
- I love pancakes. If I had my way, I would eat two pancakes for breakfast, two for lunch, and two for dinner. I would eat six pancakes in all.
- I had two goldfish. Then one goldfish had two babies, so then I had four goldfish. Then two more babies were born. Now, I have six goldfish.