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Display the Headline Story pictured in the sidebar or copy it onto the board. If children need help coming up with some of the ideas suggested in the sample responses, pose questions such as, “Can you fill in the heart and diamond shapes with numbers? Can you find different ways?” or “What if the heart were ‘6’, what number would the diamond be?” There are many different ways of filling in the heart and the diamond.
Possible student responses
- If I put a 6 in place of the heart, then the diamond stands for a 4.
- I had 10 crackers and I ate 9, so I had 1 cracker left.
- Ten kids were playing soccer until 4 of them went home. There were only 6 players left.
- Rusty started at 10 on the number line and jumped backward 3 spaces, landing on 7.
- There were 10 beads in a jar and I didn’t take any of them out, so there were still 10 beads left.