The sample responses are deliberately broader than what a class is likely to produce in any session. With each Headline Story, you might lead to one new response by asking one new question explicitly, to help children learn to give more varied responses.
All we know for sure is that the starting number and the landing number are 10 apart. We do not know whether the landing number is 10 more or 10 less than the starting number; If Raymond started on 20 and made a jump of minus 10, Raymond would end up on 10. If Raymond started on 20 and made a jump of plus 10, Raymond would land on 30; One thing we know for sure is that the jump will be recorded with a vertical arrow on the Number Road (between consecutive numbers in a column); Jenny has 25 baseball cards, while Raul has only 10. If Jenny gives 10 baseball cards to Raul, she will have 10 fewer cards and Raul will have 10 more cards. Then Raul will have more cards because he will have 20 cards, and Jenny will have only 15 cards.