To count forwards and backwards by tens
Start with a multiple of 10, and have children count by tens from that number. Then, if they are comfortable with it, choose a number that is not a multiple of 10, and have children count by tens in unison from your chosen number. For example, if you chose 13, the class would count 23, 33, 43, 53… . They may need help as they pass 100. You may want to relate this count sequence to adding 10 each time.
Once children gain confidence counting forward by tens and crossing 100, pick a number greater than 100, such as 187, and count backward by tens. Again, you may want to relate this to subtracting 10 each time. To vary the activity, pick a starting number and call on individuals to provide the next number in the sequence.
Part 1 starts with counting by tens from a multiple of 10. In Part 2, children count by tens starting with a number that is not a multiple of 10. The extension starts with counting backwards by tens starting with a number that is not a multiple of 10.
Let’s count by 10, starting at 0.
If children need more practice or are enjoying their mastery, repeat. If children are ready to move on, go to Part 2.
Now let’s count by tens starting at ____ (a number that is not a multiple of 10, such as 34). Here we go!
If children need more practice, repeat. Or, when children seem excited for a new challenge, move to the extension.
Let’s count backwards by tens starting at ____ (a number greater than 100, such as 111)