To find combinations up to 10.
Try this activity as a fast-paced warm-up for your class. Show one finger on your left hand and two fingers on your right. Ask children to hold up the same number of fingers but use only one hand.
Try more examples, making sure that the total number of fingers you show is five or fewer. If you like, you can ask children to hold their finger answers close to their chests, so that they are less likely to affect each other’s answers.
Part 1 uses a total of fingers that is 5 or less. Part 2 plays the game with totals to 10 by adding the rule, “If your total is more than five, you have to use at least one whole hand of fingers.”
I’ll hold up some fingers, some on my left hand and some on my right hand. Your job is to hold up the same number of fingers using only one hand.
While children are enjoying their building of mastery, feel free to repeat. When children are eager for more, try Part 2.
I’ll hold up some fingers, some on my left hand and some on my right hand. Your job is to hold up the same number of fingers. If the total is more than five, you have to use at least one whole hand of fingers.